Greetings all,
I have had a spare iBook G3 (Dual USB-500MHz G3, 64Mb onboard RAM w/
CD Drive)
for a little while now, and it appears that it has recently started to
exhibit the dreaded video chip issue.
I am going to part it out for needed parts replacement, but thought I
would save myself lots of work (and save someone some $$$) by offering
it up lock, stock and barrel first. If no takers, I'll start parting
it out as needed.

The only questionable part, as mentioned, would be the logic board's
onboard video chip, which apparently can possibly be repaired through
several techniques (heat dryer, added heat-sink and pressure, re-
soldering), of which I am not interested. All other parts are in
excellent shape - the body itself is hale with an expected amount of
scuffing, LCD panel bright and crisp with solid hinges, HD, CD, modem,
power board, track pad, all good, keyboard is a new replacement from
Apple about a year ago, etc. Battery holds about a 30'-45' charge

Let's try $40.00 plus shipping for everything, from Ft. Wayne, IN
46807-2118. Pictures available on request.

Thank you for reading,
Best regards,
Dana (Collins)
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