Hey Swappers,

For sale is a 2-port USB & VGA KVM switch, Trendnet TK-207.  Allows  
two computers to share a VGA monitor and two USB devices (either or  
both of which could be a hub).

I used this KVM switch for two years and loved it.  I had no problems  
using a DVI-to-VGA converter with it to drive a 19" 1440x900  
widescreen LCD from either my PC or my Mac--absolutely no issues with  
video distortion, and I'm pretty picky about that.  Switching between  
computers was quick, but the Mac was better at it, of course ;)

Includes all cables; powered by USB.

$26 shipped Priority Mail CONUS.  Will ship elsewhere, inquire for  

Jordan Carder
Houghton, MI 49931

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