The PowerComputing PowerCenter Pro 180, based on the Catalyst
architecture, features an upgraded 210 MHz PowerPC 604e processor, 112
MB of RAM, and a 9.0 GB hard drive. I'll also include a 275MHz G3
upgrade card.

This is the clone that runs on a 60MHz bus !

Upgraded with a 7200 r.p.m. 9GB
SCSI hard drive - partitioned in 3 partitions.


9GB 7200rpm SCSI drive - 3 partitions:
OS 9.1 installed on partition 1 (2.91GB)
OS 8.1 installed on partition 2 (2.91GB)
Storage (empty) on partition 3 (2.62GB)

Upgraded with an Apple branded CD-ROM
to eliminate the CD driver issues with the
original CD-ROM's from PowerComputing.

This little Clone is in excellent condition inside
and out. Looks & works very good !

Complete with original manuals, PCC OS 8 CD, keyboard & mouse

$40.00 plus shipping from Palm Bay FL 32909

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