External 4GB SCSI hard drive (Seagate Barracuda ST34371N)

I used this to backup my PowerBook.  It¹s in a beige case with fan and power
switch (integrated power supply).  Comes with power cord, SCSI terminator,
and one of those special SCSI cords to connect to the PB with the HDI SCSI
plug.  Tested and working.  It has been wiped clean and tested.

You could put a larger capacity SCSI drive into this enclosure.

$15 with free shipping within the 48 contiguous United States.

View photo of external hard drive at

I¹ve found this photo on the web. It is representative of the hard drive I¹m
selling but it is not a photo of my actual drive. My unit has the power
light and disk activity light on the front side at the bottom left, (not on
top right as in the photo) and mine does not have any label or printing on
it at all.

View photo of HDI SCSI cable at

This photo is accurate.  It¹s a very short cable.  If you need this SCSI
cable it¹s a great deal!
Must be paid via PayPal to <tom.r...@earthlink.net> and I will ship it
within 1~2 days unless it¹s the weekend.
Tom Roth
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
eBay ID: roth27105
eBay Feedback: 100%

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