Due to medical expenses I now have to sell off everything I own in
order to pay for this semester of college, since I just lost my job as
well as financial aid thanks to having medical problems that made me
fail, so now away goes the PS3, Xbox 360... and everything else!
Anyway, on to the computer!


Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz
DVD-RW Superdrive (Dual layer)
Airport (802.11n), Bluetooth, iSight, (i.e. the usual)
17" (1440x900) display
Aluminum Keyboard
Mighty Mouse (in rough shape, but works)

Looking for $775 OBO. Vista 64 bit non-OEM works great and this runs
wonderfully as a Windows gaming machine, but you will have to obtain
your copy through other sites such as Amazon, if you wish to run
Windows under Bootcamp, since Windows sales are forbidden through this
Mac swap list.

Eric Hilgart
Duluth, MN 55803

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