I've got a recently acquired MacBook Pro up for sale.  This one has seen better 
days cosmetically, I'd give it a 6.5/10.  There are dents in the two rear 
corners, a lot of scratches on the top and bottom of the case.  That being 
said, it runs like a champ.  There are absolutely no hardware issues at all 
with this machine. Screen hinges are nice and tight, the display has some dust 
on the back light, but no dead pixels that I saw. It is a matte screen version. 
Ram has been upgraded to 2 GB, hard drive is the stock 100GB drive. Has a 
superdrive as well was airport and bluetooth.  All in all, if you can look past 
the dents and scratches it is a really nice working machine.  No Applecare on 
this one. Battery holds a good charge, lasts over 2 hours. Comes with the power 
adapter, Apple Remote, and DVI to VGA adapter.  Asking $900 shipped.

Chris Stierman
Minneapolis, MN 55417


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