Microsoft Office 2004 Macintosh Edition upgrade, includes Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Entourage

Requires previous version of Office or office suite application (Word,
Excel, or PowerPoint)--1998 or 2001 or V.x versions

System requirements:
   G3 or better processor
   OS X v10.2.8 or later.
   256 MB RAM.
   570 MB of available hard-disk space
   CD-ROM drive.
   1024 x 768 monitor

Includes CD and setup guide and product key in original CD case

Compatibility with your hardware and OS/software is not guaranteed

$50, includes USPS Priority Mail shipping to USA addresses (other
shipping methods are negotiable)

Preferred payment is by PayPal (cashiers check or money order OK too)

Shipment after payment received/cleared

Ted Masternak
Torrance, CA  90503
ebay ID: teemaster88

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