Do you still have the HD modules?

On Mar 10, 5:04 pm, klevevz <> wrote:
> I have two G4 XServes for sale. Both are 1Ghz Dual Processor models,
> no harddrives/modules (each has two empty sleds that *cannot* hold
> drives), no memory. One comes with VGA card & 2nd Gigabit network
> card. The other lacks VGA and the second network card. Asking $225
> SHIPPED for the one w/ VGA and $175 SHIPPED for the other. Both are
> VERY CLEAN, and turn on. I don't have hardware to test them, but was
> told they have no problems. DOA warranty on both.
> The HD modules came from an XServe G4. Again, very clean (one still
> has the original plastic packaging on the front face). I had four, the
> other two were sold and confirmed working. Asking $150 SHIPPED /ea
> Klevevz Mokrice (
> Houston, TX 77002
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