1) FS: Quicksilver 2002 DP 1Ghz G4/1.5Gb/SCSI/GbEnet/Airport/SuperDrive/
USED but Like New
2 SCSI PCI Cards installed: 1-ATTO UL3D & 1-UL3D ATTO/Apple OEM PCI
Cards installed includes ATTO Software Express Stripe & Express Raid SW
with Updates to
the latest Atto SW versions that will take this all the way to
functionality with X.4.11
Installed are 3 Seagate FAST Cheetah ST373405LW 70 Gb SCSI Hard Drives.
1.5 GB Original Apple RAM
Apple Airport Card
Apple Internal Modem installed
GB Ethernet standard in this model
Video card is nVidia GeForce4 MX 64mb Card
Case is pristine - Ships in original Box
Comes with 2 Apple Keyboards (1 has a bad key on the numeric keypad) and
a new Apple Mighty Mouse
Brand New Pram Battery just installed
Comes with original Apple Install Disk Set including Mac OS 9.2.2
installer & Apple Hardware Test Disk
as well as Mac OS X.1.2 System Install Disks, and Applications Restore Disks
Ask me to send you the Apple Profiler report.
Asking $350 + actual shipping for the Computer as listed above + Actual

2) Pinnacle Micro Magneto Optical 5.25" drive  External SCSI 
that works like a champ, especially on the above machine.
comes with 5.25 MO Disks (it's a package deal), all disks are in slip cases,
and all have been zeroed and formatted and will work in OS 9 or OS X or PC:
13 QTY Sony EDM-650 & 650B MO Disks 650 MB
02 QTY Sony EDM-1DA1s MO Disks 500MB
27 QTY Sony EDM-1DA0s MO Disks 600MB
08 QTY Sony EDM-1300 & 1300B MO Disks 1.3 GB
13 QTY DOT MO Disks 1.3 GB
35 QTY Verbatim MO Disks 1.2 GB
13 QTY Verbatim MO Disks 1.3 GB
02 QTY Maxell MA1120S1R Disks 500 MB
TOTAL 117 MO Disks TOTAL!!!! The Mack Truck of optical storage!
Drive and Disks asking $195 + actual shipping OBO

3) SCSI ZIP External Drive, asking $8 + actual shipping

4) 5 SEATS of PANTHER MAC OS 10.3 in a boxed Panther X.3 Family Pack
Disk Set  Asking $74 shipped

4) Very varied collection of assorted SCSI Cables of 27 SCSI cables,
asking $29 + Actual shipping

Will sell items separately or why not take all these items for $495.

Let me know what you want or if you have questions, e-mail me.

Thanks, and so long for now, TOM

Dandelion Digital * 10 E 3RD Street-PO Box 127 * New Castle  Delaware  19720

PayPal Verified (over 225 verified transactions done), & also accepted are
Money Orders. For computer purchases consider using escrow.com if you wish.

Contact me via e-mail at t...@dandeliondigital.com Thanks for the interest.

dandeliondigital - 255 positive feedbacks - 100% positive on ebay auction

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