Greetings swappers!

I though I'd put feelers out there for a video card for a G5 project
I'm working on.  Looking for either a 128MB or 256MB video card that
will work in an AGP 8X slot on a G5.  I don't care what make it is as
long as it will work, and also support quartz extreme, core image, and
core animation in Leopard.  I'm also not afraid to try a flashed PC
card so long as it has DVI and guaranteed to work.  Let me know what
you've got and how much shipped to Hendersonville, TN 37075.  I can
pay via Paypal.

I may have something of value that we can trade too.  Let me know what
you might be looking for, and I'll see what I've got.  I do have a few
Digital Audio logic boards, processors, and other components and
cases. I also have a complete Digital Audio available for trade.

Many thanks!

Jon Brumbaugh
eBay ID: bassjammin (156 feedback/100% positive)

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