It works and does not crash, it just acts goofy. Trouble pairing a
keyboard (which is paired now), WiFi dropped in and out some, spinning
beach ball for longer than I think it should take sometimes.

Acted 'funny' on my OS X server install from another machine, and the
install from a PO.

What I do know:

The AHT that I have crashes to firmware. It's supposedly the correct
version but I do not know for sure.
Techtool Pro tests pass
memtest passes - I ran 10 passes.

Bluetooth/Wifi built in
4x512 RAM = 2 gigs (4 slots open)
CDRW Combo drive
2.3 dual processor
Radeon 9650
Lacie eSATA 2 port PCI card with power ports

Includes: White plastic bluetooth keyboard, 10.4 OEM discs. Fresh
install. (I have not messed with it since the fresh install! I just
got tired of chasing weirdness.)

Prefer pickup in Houston, asking $450 plus shipping. Ma discount a
little if you pick up.

"I can't say it is broken but I can't say it isn't either." So, it's

Robert Bullock
Missouri City, TX 77459

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