I've got a PowerMac G5 tower up for sale.  This unit has seen better days, it 
was mishandled by UPS and now sports a nice lean to the rear and the left.  The 
rear lower handle is the only thing damaged, it is out of shape and bowed out. 
Other than that everything works great.  This is the 1.8 PCI model. It comes 
with the OS reinstalled and boots to the welcome video just like it was stock. 
I do not have the restore media, but it does come with the power adapter, 
keyboard, mouse, and a DVI to VGA adapter.  Everything is extremely clean and 
in great shape(except for the bent handle). I have thoroughly tested the 
machine after getting it back and haven't had a single issue with it.  Asking 
$275 plus shipping from 55417.  

Single 1.8ghz G5 processor
80GB 7200rpm SATA Drive
8x SuperDrive DVD-RW
GeForce FX5200 Ultra
512mb  PC3200 DDR

Chris Stierman
Minneapolis, MN 55417


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