Parting out 20 inch iMac G4 - diagnosed with a bad logic board, but
everything else appears to be in good condition.  Having no way to
test this other than the fact that it does power up, the power supply
is putting out the correct voltages.  But the screen doesn't light up
to further diagnose (not a bad inverter, as VGA out on the board
doesn't work either)

  This machine is very clean, so it's a shame that a replacement logic
board costs so much to replace.  But anyways, I have the following:

All prices shipped USPS within the Continental USA:

20inch LCD Panel & inverter (no cracks/no major scratches, believe to
be working fine before the logic board died, pricing to sell as is.) -

Power Supply:  -  $40

80GB hard Drive/Superdrive combo:  $40  (will include hard disk,
superdrive and the mounting bracket

Any other case parts (base, swivel neck, etc), just get back to me and
we'll work something out.

Warren, MI
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