All prices plus shipping from Seattle WA 98115.

SOLD: iBook G4 Software Restore disks (5 CD set): use to restore an iBook G4
to factory configuration        $10 OBO
SOLD: iBook G4 system install disks (3 CD set): OS X 10.3     $10 OBO
OS X Panther manuals (hah!): free for cost of shipping (I have 2)
Plaintalk microphone: $5 OBO
Logitech USB 3 button mouse with scroll wheel: $5 OBO
Keyspan PCI USB card: add 2 USB ports to older hardware that didn't come
with USB (I used it successfully on a 1995 vintage PPC 9500/120) $5 OBO

Y'all aren't going to make me throw this stuff out, are you?

Paul Beard /
Charles Kuralt<>
- "You can find your way across this country using burger joints the
way a
navigator uses stars."

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