2    Apple Squire  45 watt  Ibook or powerbook AC $25 shipped add
extra long cord for $5

1    Maxtor  ext. hard drive emclosure. never used pulled drive sata
drive. USB interface
complete with cord and usb cable. $15 shipped

1 Termalake Muse enclosure. for mac Pro. SATA HD to SATA port that
comes with it. New in the box
paid $70......$30 shipped

1 Tested IBook 12 display. in housing with all cables. It's complete ,
just swap out with bad one.
case it Good conition. $25 shipped

1 2 port ext. PCI_E sata host card. 3132 chipset. so Mac pro only
Siig  New in box $15 shipped

1  AS IS  IBook 500. Brand new logic. Working fine lcd. cd. here's the
deal. swapped the logic and
worked fine. shipped it off and it arrived with a white screen. Got it
back. took it apart and started testing
and works fine. No video problems....i shook it over my head and no
flicker. so put it back togather
and "white screen" ! Take the case loose and "Bingo" works. So the
video cable is pinching or something
like that. I'm to ill to figure it out. So if you want to take the
time and trace it down here's a cheap Ibook
128 megs/10/cd. working battery no AC. Bottom screws in baggy.
complete $50 shipped OBO

1 mac plus 4 meg ram. keyboard and mouse. $50 shipped (shipping going
to be $20 to 25 of it)
 A- Grade.

1 New APS ScSI case with cables. Small footprint (1/2 height 3.2 inch
drives) 50 pin   $20 shipped

2  Working but looking good Apple CD 150's extrenal. with caddy
(heavy) SCSI   $25 shipped

what doesn't go . will be given away local. just got my room spring
cleaned and man parts every were

oh box of manauls and promo video and some apple tech software. 6 or
more books
image writter LQ manaul. 2 differant getting started with your mac. a
bunch of old apple
stickers all for $12.50 shipped

Bobby Woods
Grass Valley Ca
paypal: jyp...@oldmacsales.com
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