
For sale:

PowerBook 145B

System 7.6.6

Original 25Mhz 68030 now running (or replaced - did not open up the
powerbook) to 33Mhz.  (This unit was given to me buy a Mac tech repair
person who did mods).

A very small, smaller than the end of a grain of rice, fiber optic
hard drive indicator light has been installed in the front right hand
side of the powerbook.  You could not see it unless I pointed it out
to you.  And when not showing disk activity, it for the most part
invisible because it is so small.  (pictures available on request).

8MB of RAM

internal 1.44 floppy drive.

Internal 14.4 fax modem

2 batteries which I am sure will *not* hold a charge (I can leave them
out of the box if you want to pay less for shipping, but this would
leave a big hole in the laptop - you decide)

Software:  Over 20 utility programs (this guy was a technician), Mac
Draw Pro 1.5 V1, Mac Write 1.5 V3
Acrobat 3.0
Eudora Pro 4.0
Netscape 3.01
And some other software.

Original power supply. No disks, manual, case or any thing else.

I have used this PowerBook for about 5 years.  I put it on the shelf
maybe 5 years ago.  When I got it, about 10 years ago, the batteries
were working.  I have one charging now, but the first one I left in
for 24 hours, did not take a charge.  I am sure this second one is the
same.  When my friend gave it to me, the batteries had been rebuilt or
were new (I can not remember - they look to be un modified Mac
batteries to me).

When I powered it up for the first time in 5 years, the date and time
were wrong.  I set the correct date and time and left the Powerbook
plugged in, but turned off for 24 hours.  When I turned it back on,
the date and time were correct, and have remained so for the week or
so I have  been playing with it.

When I first turned it on, the screen had to be re adjusted (contrast
and brightness).  I had light vertical lines on the screen, which
despaired after it booted to the desktop.  Now and then I saw faint
vertical lines on boot, but never on the desktop screen.  I have left
the machine on for days at a time and the desktop screen looks perfect
to me..  After several reboots in the last few days the light vertical
lines have now gone away. All booting and desktop screens look perfect
to me now.  I do not know what this means (if anything).  Maybe the
screen just needed to be turned on and off a few times after sitting
for 5 years in the closet.

$50 plus shipping.  I will charge you the actual shipping cost. I can
send is slow mail, or priority, UPS, you can choose.  I suggest slow
US post office mail as the least expensive option.  I will bubble wrap
well.  No hidden fees for packing, etc.

I am in Portland Oregon 97217.  I have perfect feedback on ebay


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