For Sale:

A collection of 45 Macworld magazines all in very good shape.  No
missing covers, all issues look to be in great shape (if not
outstanding). I can email exact dates of each issue in this collection
if you like, but only sold as a lot.

On my bathroom scales, this cardboard box weighs 46 lbs!  Remember
when Macworld magazines were *huge*??  I do.

Some stuff on the covers include:

Quadra 605,610, 605
Information Super Highway (do you think that will ever take off??)
LC 575
Games! (1995 issue)
Power mac 7100, 8100
Quadra 950 and 630
Powerbooks 100 and 140
System 7.0!
24 bit color cards
And much, much more.

$150 plus postage. Or local pick up for no postage charges (I am in
Portland Oregon).  I tried media mail for older magazines.  I got
caught. The post office inspector guy said no media mail with any
ads.  I said the magazines were "antiques" and the ads were old, dead,
and not valid.  I did not win.  I do not want to be caught a second
time. So no media mail, sorry.

I can ship partial post, UPS, or any way you like.  I do not know how
accurate my bathroom scales are, but I think they are probably with in
a few lbs.  So plan on spending enough postage $$ to cover between 45
to 50 lbs. I will charge you actual postage cost only.  No packing
fees etc.  I have perfect feedback on ebay (ginger42950).

Not thanks, I will not take less then $150 for the lot.  If this lot
does not sell, I am placing them on ebay for $5.00 each.

jack honeycutt
Portland, OR 97217

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