Hello holiday swappers,
Does anyone have a well-priced Apple TV in the 40 GB size they want to sell or 
trade?  I had one coming but the USPS managed to lose it.  A 160 GB model is 
OK, but I'm going to replace the HDD anyway so I'm looking for a good price.  
In-warranty doesn't matter as long as it works; original accessories, 
documentation, and box are a price plus.  A stripped down model without 
accessories or remote is OK if the price is appropriate.  
If you are interested in trades, or trades plus cash in one direction or 
another, I have lots of high capacity (320 GB + ) used HDD, a titanium 1.25 GHz 
superdrive PB with broken hinge but replacements are included, an aluminum 
Powerbook G4, a PowerMac G5 2.0 dual processor in perfect condition, 15 inch 
original Bondi Blue LCD Apple display, Hi-8 video camcorder, 60 GB 4th gen 
iPod, a whole bunch 'o iPhones (2 2G and one 3 G, just bought 3GS for the 
family plan), and probably a bunch of other stuff I haven't thought of but need 
to excess and will probably list soon.  
Please reply off list to mlincoln1 AT gmail.com instead of this (hotmail) 
Best, Mike LincolnAnn Arbor, MI 48108
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