Hi folks,

I have a few odds and ends here as I'm cleaning out some stuff. All
items are tested working. Prices are negotiable and do not include

Nick Horne
Harrisville, RI 02830

Hard Drives:

Conner CP3361 (360 MB, 3.5" HH, IDE)  $2
WD Caviar 31600 (1.6 GB, 3.5" SL, IDE) $3
Seagate ST3145A (130 MB, 3.5" SL, IDE) $2
IBM Deskstar (20.5 GB, 3.5" SL, IDE) $5

CD Drives:

Mitsumi CRMC-FX322M2 (32x CD-ROM, IDE) $2
LG CRD8483B (48x CD-ROM, IDE) $2
AppleCD 8x (8x CD-ROM, SCSI) $3
Creative Labs / NEC CDR510 (3x CD-ROM, SCSI) $3

Apple 14" Multiscan Monitor $5
Apple LocalTalk DIN-3 Cables (2m, 10m and 25m)
Apple LocalTalk Locking Connector Boxes $3 ea.
6 ft ADB cables (new in package, approx. 5 available)  $1 ea.
64 MB PC-100 DIMM  $1
Apple ImageWriter II User's Manual $2

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