all prices include shipping (via USPS in US). - - other offers
buy more than one, save $$$.
books are like new, and unread.
apps include licenses, original CDs, documentation, boxes, hardware,
accessories, etc.

$35 Kasparov Chessmate (sys req: PPC, OS8.6 - OSX *OSX native)

$5 "Mac OSX Panther in 10 Simple Steps . . ."
$5 "How To Do Everything w/ MacOSX Panther"
$5 "How To Do Everything w/ iLife '04"

$14 "Mac Upgrade and Repair Bible," 3rd Ed. (incl CD-ROM, for PPCs and
OS8.1 - OSX 10.2)
$7 "PowerPC: Concept, Architecture, and Design" ($35 retail)

$20 IBM ViaVoice Millenium Ed. (sys req: PPC, OS8.5.1 - 9.2.2)

$6 Norton Utilities 4.0 (sys req: PPC, OS7.5 +)
$9 SoftWindows95 (sys req: PPC, OS7.1 +)
$9 VirtualPC 2.1.3 (sys req: PPC, OS7.5.5 +, *Windows95-NT™ not
$20 After Dark 4.0 (incl MacOS and Windows 95 versions; sys req: 68K-
PPC, OS7.1 +)
$15 Symantec C++ Release 8.6 (sys req: 68K - PPC, OS7.0 +)
$9 Symantec Visual Page ©1996 (sys req: unknown)

$5 Netscape Navigator 3.0 (sys req; 68030 - PPC, OS7.1 +, * not
compatible w/ SE/30, IIx, IIcx)

$14 Apple system & utilities discs and documentation from SE-SE/30
$6 "Macintosh Bible" 2nd Ed. (up to Mac IIs and OS6)

sam danton
jeannette, pa 15644

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