I have the following for sale. Offers gladly considered, paypal  
greatly preferred. Shipping included on everything.

2 sticks of 512MB PC133 ram, tested in a Digital Audio G4 I stick of  
Kingston Value Ram, 1 of Viking. $18 each, $35 for the pair shipped

2 80GB Seagate Barracuda 3.5" PATA (not SATA) desktop drives. Model  
numbers 7200.7 ST380011A 7200 rpm $25 each shipped

I have about 50 40GB 3.5" PATA (not SATA) desktop drives. Mostly WD  
Caviar (25) Seagate Barracudas (10) and some misc. Would prefer to  
sell in lots of 4 that will fit in a medium flat rate box. $40  
shipped for 4

Unlikely swap request. Need a quantity of drives? Looking for an  
Intel Mini. Don't need bluetooth or airport, combo drive and small HD  
is fine. Prefer at least a Core 2 duo, but let me know.

Len Gerstel
Gaithersburg, MD 20877

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