Still no takers on this stuff? I guess it must be this bum economy.
Ya'll can just make me an offer and we'll go from there.


Jon Brumbaugh

On Aug 6, 5:45 am, JonB <> wrote:
> Greetings swappers!
> I've got a lot of house cleaning to do, and just trying to get rid of
> stuff I don't need.  Here is one of those items:
> TC Electronic PowerCore Element DSP PCI card w/manual - $160 shipped.
> If you are into digital audio recording or video editing, then you may
> have seen or heard of this card.  It is a full length PCI card that
> will take a major load off your CPU when using the audio plug-ins
> associated with this card.  This is a good card to have if you are
> using any G4 tower for audio recording. It works fine in a G5 too. It
> has served me well through the past few years, but I no longer need
> it.
> I also have these other items:
> Powerbook 1400CS
> 166MHz PPC
> 16MB RAM
> Floppy Drive
> Dead Battery
> 750MB Hard Drive (With OS 8.1 I do believe)
> Power Supply
> Documentation, and a bunch of those decorative inserts for the lid.
> I'd like $30 shipped for it.  I looks and runs fine. It's just so darn
> cool, I hate to sell it. But it's taking up shelf space, so here you
> go.
> OS 9.1 Universal Install CD - $10 shipped
> OS 10.2 Universal Install CDs - $20 shipped
> iLife '04 Universal Install CD/DVD - $20 shipped (1st version of
> Garage Band)
> Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 CD & documentation - $20 shipped (I'm not
> sure I ever registered it)
> I have some other stuff to go through, so stay tuned. Shipping will be
> from Hendersonville, TN 37075. I prefer payment through Paypal, but
> will also accept a postal money order.  If you don't like the prices,
> then just make me an offer.  Within reason of course...
> Cheers!
> Jon Brumbaugh
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