Hi Swappers,

A friend of mine upgraded to a MacBook Unibody (lucky duck), and she
gave me her old iBook to repair and/or sell.  Its only issue is kernel
panics, and after various HD tests, OS reinstalls, memory scans, etc,
I'm reasonably sure they're caused by bad RAM, in this case the RAM
soldered to the motherboard.  Though it can work for weeks on end
without a panic, sometimes it'll have five in a row, so this is
technically a fixer-upper. I thought about throwing Linux on there and
applying the "badram" patch to overwrite bad sectors in memory, but
that's more work than I can deal with right now.  If you want to try
that, if you know of a Mac OSX-equivalent to that patch, or if it's
some other cause entirely that you can handle, then you'll be getting
a great deal!

Anyway, now you know the story, so here are the specs:

12" iBook G4 1.33 GHz
512 MB RAM
CD-RW Combo drive
AirPort Extreme
OS X Tiger - updated to 10.4.11 (it originally shipped with 10.4.2, so
no disks included)
Good LCD, no blemishes or stuck pixels
Good battery (~3 hrs.)
Original A/C adapter

Case is in very good condition, but it's missing two rubber feet. This
belonged to a grad student and was treated very well, mostly serving
as a desktop.

I'm asking $150 shipped for the whole kit and kaboodle, but if no one
takes me up on it, individual parts will be up for sale next week.
PayPal is fine, although any fees with their new transfer policy will
be covered by the buyer.  USPS money orders will work, too.

This will ship USPS in a well-padded, reinforced box, with insurance
and delivery confirmation.

Let me know if you're interested!

Allison Payne
Champaign, IL 61820
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