As it says. I have a Pismo 400 in working condition with good screen. Boots
into OS X 10.4.11. Has good power adapter and DVD Rom drive. It has only a
weight saver for a battery. I want preferably 2 new batteries for a G4
Titanium 15² Battery compatible with M8244, M8511, etc.. If you want to buy
them off eBay and have it sent to me that¹s ok too. New ones right now on
eBay are around $43 each inc. shipping. If you have a couple of GOOD ones
yourself or a battery and another item that might be good also, or maybe
even a compatible amount of cash, but send me your best deal and we¹ll
dicker over it. Pictures are available of the Pismo.

Edward Gibson
Hardin, TX 77561

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