Raul Duke
Charlotte, NC 28226
Price: 150.00 U.S.
Shipping: 15.00 U.S.

This Cube is a 450 G4 with 1.5 gb ram upgrade. It also has a 64mb
GeForce3, the fastest video card ever made for the Cube. It is an OEM
card, not a hack. This Cube also has a NEW dvd drive replacement. I am
selling because it needs a new hard drive. I tried to reinstall the os
and got failures, so i replaced the dvd rom drive, and still got
errors. the hd is really the only thing left, as everything else is
working fine. it was running perfectly when i received it, but
wouldn't reinstall the os when i tried. i am moving on to another
project and want to sell this to a good home, and someone who doesn't
mind a small amount or work(it really is an easy upgrade), to have a
great little machine. Includes original working USB Speakers!

Due to the fact that you must do a hardware upgrade, the Cube is being
sold as-is, no refunds or returns. it is in excellent cosmetic shape
and working condition except for the hd. the video card in it sells
for 75 - 100 dollars alone on ebay. the cases go for 50 - 75.00 empty.
the ram is worth 60 dollars on ebay. and don't forget the new, still
in the plastic dvd drive i just installed.

for the price of a simple upgrade, you have a great machine.

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