Hi, I have a QS tower for sale here:

867mhz G4 2mb cache
73GB 10,000 RPM OEM drive on a ATTO UL3D card
6 port USB 2.0 adaptec PCI card,  5 ext, 1 int connectors
DVR-103 DVD burner
32mb GeForce 2 with ADC and VGA
1.25gb of RAM
Zip 250 drive (or I can include a blank bezel if you want to pull the  
Original power cord (either white apple one or rainbow apple one)

A nice machine, few scratches (minor) on the case. Has a pair of  
stacked drive trays on in the bottom of the case if you want to load  
it up with drives.
Perfect for those who need SCSI reliability and room for expansion. I  
can email photos.

Asking $145 plus shipping OBO. Or you can pick it up either here or  
in Fairfield county.

If making a best offer, please include your zip code
with the offer.

Paypal preferred

Rob Farrington

Waterbury, CT 06708 in the US

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