*PowerMac G4 & 23" Apple LCD Display*

Selling a PowerMac G4 Tower with 23 Inch Apple LCD

In great working order with upgraded Hard Drives

Duel 1 Ghz G4 Processors

1GHZ of memory

2 hard drives- 80 gig and 400 gig


Apple Keyboard & Mouse

Was used for sound and video editing.

Running Mac OS X 4.11 (Tiger)

Asking $500 OBO

Computer and monitor work fine, just upgraded to another PowerMac G5
and this one is no longer used. I really do not want to ship this
computer or display as I do not have the original boxes and cost would
be prohibitive. Looking for local pick-up, I am about 45 minutes from
Philadelphia and would be willing to work out a mutually beneficial
arrangement to find this computer a new owner. Thanks....Rob

Rob Buzzerd

Medford Lakes, NJ 08055

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