Hi listers,

For sale: Battery for G4 Al Mac laptop 17" . Currently showing 2 green 
lights, but all four lights showed last time charged months ago.  $25.00 
shipped CONUS. Cash or usps Money Order only.

Brick is OPs for same laptop used only a few times, but there is a 
catch. Wires were cut so as to meter brick to assure power to laptop 
needing troubleshooting. Wires spliced and brick used to charge battery 
listed above. Laptop suffered weight piled on top and glass cracked. 
Laptop since given away other than these 2 items. $25.00 shipped CONUS. 
Cash or usps Money Order only.

If both items sold and shipped in one package, Total $45.00 shipped 
CONUS. Cash or usps Money Order.

F. Coker
1770 Lake Street
Oviedo, FL 32765-8929

407 365 5205

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