A pack of two clamshells. Both Gray 366 w/o firewire. Both batteries
hold some charge
two power suppies , no missing keys or damage and both work great.
config as follows
#1  320/10/CD
#2  320/6/CD                   Both for $100+ship    make good
christmas gifts for youngsters

Airport extreme & bluetooth # 1027 for G5/ some mini's/ late 05 Ibook
$10 shipped

Airport extrem #1026  (all other Ibook and most others)  $30 shipped

Brand New "Apple" ยง Battery for 14" Ibook G4   $50 shipped

Two Apple 12" IBook Batteries  95% new  $30 shipped each or $55 for

Brand New Seagate 80 Gig 2.5 IDE laptop drive  5400rpm 8 megs cache
$55 shipped

Some more cables    6 foot  6 pin to 6 pin firewire 400 cables great
for HD mode $3.00ea shipped

Long two prong extenstion power cable for IBooks power suppy  $7.00

Brand new 512 meg /  PC-133  /144 pin sodimm  for g3 Ibooks and some
G4 power books $27.50

Service replace LCD (panal only) for Ibook G4 12" $30 shipped  will
work in g3 too

Mac plus works great with mouse (has small chip in corner) work great
$15+ you pay shipping

Micro net dual syquest 88 is SCSI and cost like $1000 new , sweet
collector's item. comes with some
media and works like new. It is heavy (all steel cabinet)  $10 and pay
for shipping

Also I want a color classic , only in very non faded shape. can do
cash and trade or just cash for right
deal. And maybe a org portable.

Bobby Woods
Grass Valley , Ca

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