Sorry Lemswappers, but I feel the need to clear up one thing about my post.  It 
is a "flat screen", not "flat panel" monitor as I described below.  You 
probably all know that, but I realized the one word mistake could make a big 
difference to some, and without pictures, I thought it best to provide 


From: Don Salata <>
Sent: Thu, November 19, 2009 2:04:47 AM
Subject: FREE 17" Apple G4 Studio Display

I have a working 17" G4 Studio Display - the one with the flat-panel 
E-Mac-style CRT, the clear case, the Apple display connection and the big butt. 
 It works well, but it has what I can only describe as a slight case of grunge 
on the bottom 3/4" or so of screen.  Nothing gross - it's just a slight shadow 
that I think is environmental (our humid MI weather in a warehouse) more than 
electrical.  Color is good, the brightness and contrast is good, and there is 
no screen burn.

Anyway, it's free.  I figure it will be good at a testing station or for some 
other purpose you can think of.  I'm thinking this will be picked up by someone 
local, but if you want to know what it would take to ship it to you (this thing 
is big and heavy), send me your zip code and i will  provide a quote.  On 
shipping, I would need to get compensated a little for time and materials.

Maybe the taker can reciprocate with some RAM or something?  Not required - 
first taker gets it.

Don Salata
Canton MI 48187

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