This machine was my father-in-law's before he passed away.  It's
received minimal use in the 4 years since, mainly to run a Microtek

The good:
Model M7886
450Mhz G4
40GB HD (upgrade from original 20GB)
Rage 128 Pro 16MB video card
Includes power supply
USB speakers
Original software discs
No unusual cracks, significant scratches or scuff marks
M2454 Flat panel display with ADC connector and 2 USB ports

No not-so good:
1 USB port on the Cube is flaky, but the other works fine (and there
are 2 built-in ports on the monitor).
Does not include original box.

Asking $150, plus shipping.

Martin Bullen
Paoli, PA 19301
eBay: brio

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