
   Before leaving for the holidays have a couple items.
I will be out of town from , this coming monday until after
New years. So any all all must be paid for before sunday
I can drop these in a mail  box leaving town but anything
Bigger will have to wait..just no time

Apple Full Retail install DVD for Tiger system 10.4.0
comes with all the paperwork and is a Black disk with
the big X ,  not the gray oem
everything but the outer box  $80 shipped
Disk in perfect "like new" conition

Final Cut Express HD Retail ver. 3.5 . With paper  work and receipt ,
it a month ago from We love macs and never opened or used it. Paid
shipped to you for $45 with everything they sent.
No retail box

I know the net nanny will think I'm reposting but no , Just opened a
little box
and inside is as follows  Two matched sets (4)  of PC2700 sodimm
chips , there 256 meg each for a  (G4 laptop) ,
and 4 Airport extreme cards.  Buy all eight
$75  shipped
Major deal as thats less than $20  an Airport card and free ram.
Must be paid for by early sunday

Paypal adress is  cho...@mail.com

Bobby Woods
Grass Valley , Ca

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