I am only really looking to do a local trade about the Philadelphia
area, maybe farther depending on the situation.  I might be open to
something else, but that's just my preference.  Here's what I have,
and will include with this package as a trade for people with the
Apple IIe:

1. Apple IIe computer, not sure the specs or if it's still working.  I
know that it turns on however, and it ran just fine from what I hear
from the person I got it from.  Does not include monitor.  Very good
cosmetic condition with slight yellowing.  Small writing on the sides,
from when it was in a school.
2. 2 Unidisk drives in working condition last time I checked.  Good
cosmetic condition with very little yellowing, but small writing on
3. Unidisk owner's manuel. (3 of these)
4. Monitor II User's Manuel (2 of these)
5. Claris Appleworks Reference Manuel
6. Claris Appleworks Tutorial Book
7. 80-Column Text Card Manual
8. ProDOS Supplement to the Apple IIe Owner's Manuel
9. Apple IIe Owner's Manuel
10. The Apple II: Apple Logo II Reference Manuel
11.  Two different books called "Learning With Logo"
12. Different programs on flexible disks include:
           A. Chess
           B. Appleworks Program
           C. Apple Presents the IIe: An Introduction/Apple Presents
the IIe: The Inside Story (3 copies)
           D. Diskware: DOS 3.3 System Manager
13. 5 Boxes (10 in a box) of 3M Double Density Diskettes (DS, DD
14. As a bonus, I will throw in an Apple IIc Owner's Manuel

Now with that said, he is my want's list.  I'm just looking for a few
things.  If you have any of these to trade, send me an email and we
can try to work something out.

1. A couple 90's Mac monitors (mainly for my Quadra and Performa)
2. Mac OS 6.0.8 floppy disks
3. A monitor with VGA (just for my recently acquired G4 tower)
4. Any older system software install disks
5. Older Mac Laptops (None in speific, just tell me what you have)
6. If you have any older Macs from the 90's that you don't want, let
me know.

Since I got this for free, I think it would be wrong of me to sell it.
Feel free to email me, and perhaps we can work out a deal.  I have no
use for this like I thought I was going to.

Joe Pauli
Sicklerville, NJ 08081

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