I have a MacBook Pro 15" that took some spill damage in the rear vent area.
It is DOA.  The person who spilled tilted it to the left so, and I am only
guessing here, since the spill ran on the bottom of the case that the
Bluetooth module works, the LCD is OK, the Optical Drive is fine, and the
battery takes a charge off of my wife's AC adapter.  I opened it up and
peeked, when I pulled the data off of her Hard Drive (so for now we know
that that works).  It looks like the spill was contained to the lower left.
I would IMAGINE that the part that is popped is the Left IO board. It's a
lot of spare parts.  Asking $160 obo shipped in the contiguous US. The
machine is, or rather was:

160GB HD
The first time Microsoft produces something that doesn't suck will be
when they start making vacuum cleaners....

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