I'm parting out an iBook that, for some reason, will boot without video unless the reset button above the headphone port is pressed before booting. Otherwise it works perfectly. I will sell it as a whole for 120$ shipped, but would like to part it out per the following prices.

>12" LCD assembly - excellent condition, includes mic/inverter/AirPort antennas/video cable - 50$ shipped
>512MB SODIMM - 30$ shipped
>CD-ROM Drive with bezel - 15$ shipped
>10GB HD - 15$ shipped
>AirPort Card - 30$ shipped
>Logic Board (With reset button problem) - 20$ shipped
>~3hr battery with few cycles - 30$ shipped

As always, reasonable offers will be considered.
Also, if sold as a whole, no power adapter will be included.

Chance Reecher
Waynesboro PA 17268

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