I posted these same machines a while back, got a lot of responses but no followthrough's.

I have two Lombard PowerBook G3s for sale. Both have batteries, but they do not hold a charge.

PowerBook #1
333MHz G3
MCE Technologies combo drive (not working)
10/100 Ethernet
56K modem

This one has a nice, relatively unscratched case, but there are stickers on the outside top case and palm rests that I'm afraid might leave some residue if removed. The display hinge is also a bit loose, although it does stand up as long as the angle isn't too oblique. Includes "UFO" style power supply.

Asking $40 + shipping.

PowerBook #2
400MHz G3
DVD-ROM + DVD Decoder card
10/100 Ethernet
56K modem

Outside top case is a little worn, but the display hinge is firm and the case is very clean. Includes "UFO" style power supply.

Asking $60 + shipping.

I also have a VST Zip100 drive module and a "Weight-Saving Device" that I can include with either PowerBook for $10.

Paypal is preferred for payments, but I will accept MO or check as well. Please email me with any questions. Pictures of both PowerBooks and drive modules are available upon request.

Stephen Faucette
Greenville, SC 29609

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