Here is an image of the item:

The pink coloration in the image is an artifact of the scan.

The setting guide for this adapter is printed on the adapter itself,
so you will never lose the instructions on how to set this adapter.

The adapter I am selling is fully adjustable allowing one to set a
range of resolutions, including multi-resolution settings so that the
computer knows that the monitor supports more than one resolution.

This is an adapter that allows you to connect a VGA monitor to an old
style Mac connector.

Macintoshes up through the Beige G3 (with a few exceptions) had DB15
connectors (two rows with 15 pins total). VGA monitors use an HD15
connector (three rows with 15 pins total). This adapter plugs into a
video source with the DB15 connector and supplies an HD15 connector at
the other end to which the monitor connects.

$4.50 is total for shipment within the USA.

If you are outside the USA, the price is $4.50 plus actual shipping
costs to your destination.

Please email me at if you wish to purchase or have any
questions. Or you can just shoot payment over with a note so I'll know
what it is for.

My PayPal account is at:

Or, if you fund your PayPal payment with bank account funds or
existing PayPal account funds and are willing to click one of the
"Personal Payment" options, please direct payment to and
save me the PayPal fees.

I also accept mailed payments.

Jeff Walther
Austin, TX   78759

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