For sale my G4 1Ghz powerbook. Specs are
1 Ghz processor
2 GB ram
60 GB hard drive
Airport installed
New battery
Unit is a A1046
Unit is in good condition overall with the usual scratch's you find on
a aluminum laptop of this age. There is one small dent near the DVD
drive but does not affect operation and is scarcely noticeable. The
only other glitch is a small light spot on the LCD about 2 inches from
the top near the center. Once the computer has booted I find the spot
mostly disappears but I am pricing the computer at a price you can
replace the LCD if it bothers you.
OS 10.5.8 is currently installed but the hard drive will be wiped to
comply with Swap rules. Or if you like for $60 I will include my
retail copy of 10.5.6.
Asking $200 shipped in the lower 48.

Ralph Myrick
Elberta, Alabama 36530

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