Hello swappers,

I have a couple of laptop hard drives for sale.  The first is a 30 gb
ATA/IDE drive.  Model number is Hitachi Travelstar IC25N030ATMR04-0.
It's 4200 rpm and 9.5mm, so it should fit in any laptop between a
Pismo and an aluminum G4 Powerbook, or a Dual USB through G4 ibook (or
a G4 mac mini).  Say, $10 shipped?

Second drive is a 200 gb SATA drive.  Model number is a Hitachi
Travelstar 7k200, HTS722020K8SA00.  It's 7200 rpm, 9.5mm.  Should be
compatible with any macbook or macbook pro, and I believe with the
intel minis.  $35 shipped.

I also have a SATA enclosure, which converts any 2.5" SATA drive to a
USB 2.0 external drive.  No power required, just the USB cable.  Used
it with the above hitachi drive for time machine backups.  $5 with
either of the above, or $7.50 shipped alone.

Both drives have been tested with Techtool, I've run a surface scan
with no errors.  Shipping by USPS or Fedex Ground, whichever is
cheaper.  I am willing to trade for a new or newish Apple keyboard and/
or mouse (wired only, aluminum/mighty preferred), or 512mb PC133
memory for my G4 quicksilver.  Otherwise, paypal only please.



Sri Gupta
New Orleans, LA 70115

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