Afternoon swappers,

Working my way through the shelf o' computer parts, hoping some of
these can be of better use to you guys than to me.  All prices are
OBO, and I'm up for trades.  Looking for an aluminum keyboard/mighty
mouse (wired), or a 512 PC133 for a G4 quicksilver (or anything
interesting.  make me an offer.)

1) I have a retail boxed copy of VMware Fusion 1.0.  UPC was cut out
for a rebate, otherwise everything is included (all manuals, even the
"I (heart) Vmware" bumper sticker).  You get a free upgrade to 2.0
with the included serial number, so this will work with any intel mac
running OS X 10.4.9 through the newest 10.6. (you could also use the
serial number to qualify for a discounted upgrade to Fusion 3.0.)
$15 shipped.

2) Parallels Desktop 4.0.  This is an OEM edition, it's just a CD and
sleeve with serial number, manuals are all on the CD.  I'm not sure if
it's Tiger compatible, but it will definitely run in 10.5 or 10.6 on
any intel mac.  You can also qualify for the upgrade discount on
Parallels 5.0 if you wanted.  $15 shipped.

3) some laptop RAM, pulled working from a couple of macbooks.
2x 256mb PC2-3200-333mhz DDR2 Sodimm.  Brand is Infineon, model number
HYS64T32000HDL-5-A. $7.50 for both.
2x 512 mb PC2-5300-667mhz DDR2 Sodimm.  Brand is Hynix, model number
HYMP512S64CP8-Y5.  $12.50 for both.
I'm not sure about compatibility, but these should both work in any
macbook, macbook pro, imac or mac mini that uses DDR2 memory (not
DDR3).  Tested working.

4) PATA/IDE Superdrive, pulled from a Quicksilver 2002.  Model number
is DVR-104PB, I believe this is an apple branded Pioneer DVR-104.
Supports 2x DVD-R/RW and 8x CD-R/RW.  Doesn't burn DVDs anymore, and
has trouble reading recorded DVDs (still reads and burns CDs like a
pro, and reads pressed DVDs). $5 and its yours.

And let's say a $2.00 per item discount if you buy multiples?
Shipping by USPS or Fedex ground, whichever is cheaper.

Thanks all,

Sri Gupta
New Orleans, LA 70115

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