Ray Dream Studio 5.5 vintage 1999 from MetaCreations Corporation

I have 3 sets of CDs with Applications and Content and even a few Training CDs
and that includes CD Disks for v5 & v4, 7 CDs in all.

I couldn't find a list of computers this works on.

Maybe this software is designed to run on Mac Classic. Not sure.

The following 3D hardware products are known to be compatible with Ray
Dream Studio 5.5: ATI XClaim 3D, Matrox Millenium

asking $12 + actual shipping, 

FYI, this will fit in a Priority Mail Flat Rate Small Box and ship for $5.80

LOVE 3D? I can throw in Pixels 3D studio 3.6 CD making your TOTAL COST $25.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Serial Numbers are included and you buy all rights to
this SW, and I retain none.

Let me know if you want this.

Thanks, and so long for now, TOM BULAT

Dandelion Digital * 112 S Cross St STE A - POB 33 * Chestertown   MD 21620

PayPal Verified Account (with 225 verified buyers), & also accepted are
Money Orders. For computer purchases consider using escrow.com if you wish.

Contact me, Tom Bulat, at t...@dandeliondigital.com  Thanks for the interest.

dandeliondigital - 278 positive feedbacks - 100% positive on ebay auction

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