For Sale: PowerMac G5 Late 2005 2.3GHz Dual Core (M9591LL/A)

CORRECTION: This machine was originally advertised as having a minor Ethernet connection problem. It turns out that the problem was in the DSL modem. Therefore I can now say that this computer is running perfectly.

PRICE: $550 including shipping to continental U. S.

--PowerPC G5 (970MP) with two 2.3GHz processor cores, 1.15GHz system bus
--2GB RAM, two RAM slots still open
--250GB SATA hard disk drive, 7200RPM, one additional drive bay available
--nVIDIA GeForce 6600 graphics card with 256MB VRAM (in 16-lane PCI-e slot)
--Three available PCI-Express card slots (two 4-lane and one 8-lane)
--no internal modem (a USB modem works fine)
--no wireless card*
--Two DVI outputs
--Three USB 2.0, one FW400, one FW800, two Gigabit Ethernet ports on rear; one
   USB 2.0 and one FW400 port on front
--Optical digital audio input and output Toslink connectors
--Stereo analog line-level input and output minijacks (rear); headphone minijack

*Has internal slot for AirPort Extreme/Bluetooth combo card mounted on Runway card. PCI-e or USB solutions would be cheaper and easier, but the AP/BT combo card is certainly an

--No CDs
--Will ship with current OS installation (original OS 10.4.4 upgraded to 10.4.11)
   and orginally included applications (the usual plus iLife suite, Graphic
   Converter, OmniGraffle, OmniOutliner)
--Machine supports OS 9 applications via Classic Environment.

CONDITION: Machine is running perfectly. Cosmetically very good, two 1/4-inch scuff marks on front handle, a few small scratches on left side and one on rear handle

I am selling because I have upgraded to a Quad Core.

Herb Goodfriend
Elizabeth, New Jersey  07202

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