Free ( you pay postage! ) Software manuals, but no software:

1. Software manuals: Quicken 98 for Macintosh User's Guide (no
Intuit. p. 278. c1998 Intuit, inc.
Shipping ( 1.25 lbs. weight ) from 11101

2. TWO Microsoft Manuals:
Getting Results with Microsoft Word 98; Macintosh Edition; c1987-98
Microsoft Corp., page 160. ALSO Getting Results with Powerpoint 98;
Macintosh Edition; c1987-98 Microsoft Corp., p. 245. ( no software )
Shipping ( 1.5 lbs. weight ) from 11101

Books about Software applications:

3. Word For Macintosh Word 98; Visual Quick Start guide; Maria Langer,
Peachpit Press c1998 Maria Langer. p. 260.
Shipping (1.25 lbs. weight ) from 11101

5. Real World Scanning & Halftones for Macintosh & IBM; David Blatner
& Steve F. Roth. c1993 David Blatner & Stephen F. Roth; p.275
Shipping (2 lbs. weight ) from 11101

4. Mastering OS X - 3rd Edition; Todd Stauffer & Kirk Elheran; Covers
OS v. 10.3 Panther; c 2004; Sybex; p.878
Shipping (3.5 lbs. weight ) from 11101

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