FOR SALE: a PowerMac G5 1.8 GHz Dual Processor (air-cooled).  This
computer is in immaculate condition both functionally and
cosmetically.  I purchased it new in April of 2005, but it is one of
the last of the *June 2004* model.  The serial number is G8505021QPL.
It was assembled at the US plant (G8) in the first week of February
2005, two months prior to the end of the production run of this

It has been kept in my home office it's entire life, an air
conditioned smoke-free environment, on an RF filtered, surge
battery backup power source.  It was used intensively for
approximately one year, and only sparingly thereafter.  In 2008 I was
forced to purchase an Intel Mac in order to use the latest versions
the applications I work with, and it was used occasionally for video
editing since then.

In 2009 it began booting in OF rather than OSX and the motherboard
was diagnosed as bad by the Apple Store in Pittsburgh.  A replacement
motherboard was installed by an Apple certified tech.  It has been
regularly for the past year with no issues whatsoever.

The configuration is mostly stock with the following exceptions:

The original 80GB Maxtor hard drive has been replaced with a
300GB Maxtor, and I will ship it with a fresh install of 10.3 as per
list rules.

The RAM has been upgraded to 4 x 1GB.

An Apple Airport Extreme card was installed.

The white Pro kybd and Pro mouse, and ALL of the original disks,
documentation, and accessories are included, and it will be shipped
in the original factory shipping carton.

I am asking $425 plus actual shipping cost.  (ESTIMATED shipping
is approx $25-50 depending on distance from southwest PA. Local
pickup in Pittsburgh area fine.)

If you're interested, I'm happy to try to answer any questions you

Sam Danton
Jeannette, PA 15644

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