Revised. Sorry for the description error. This is the correct

I have an ATI Radeon 9600 Pro Mac 256MB DDR DUAL DVI Card. It is
tested and working.

ATI Radeon 9600 PRO Mac Edition AGP
Fastest AGP graphics card with silent cooling
Supports Windows XP/2000 and Mac OS X
Dual-link DVI Ultra HD (2560x1600 resolution)
Supports two independent screens, including HDTV
256MB DDR memory; 128-bit interface
540MHz memory clock; 8.6 GB/sec bandwidth
ATI Radeon 9600 PRO GPU; 400MHz core clock
Supports 3D standards DirectX 9.0, OpenGL 2.0
HDTV / DVD output over DVI: MPEG-2 decode
Primary DVI: up to 2560x1600 resolution
Secondary DVI: up to 1920x1200 resolution

$125 with shipping included to any USA address. I will ship this item
worldwide but at an additional shipping cost to be determined based
final shipping weight, destination, choice of carrier, and level of
Bob Esposito
Adamstown,MD 21710

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