Hi Swappers, I have for sale an iBook G4 12" 1.33 GHz that has a
damaged power connector on the logic board.
It's good for either parts or repair if you're good at soldering small
connectors, and the rest of the machine is
in good working condition.

I believe the machine's RAM is maxed out, but I'm uncertain. There's a
160GB HDD upgrade in the machine, but
the HDD has no OS on it. All other parts are good; the DC-in board,
DC-to-DC board, optical drive, LCD, RAM,
and AirPort are all in working condition and will make for great spare
parts. Three of the rubber feet are missing, but
the battery's rubber foot is intact. The battery appears to have a
decent life; I would estimate you might get about an
hour or two of life from it. However, as it's untested currently, this
is an estimate. The case is in nice shape, but does
have some minor scratching. No AC adapter is included.

$100 + S&H takes it. Shipping will be via USPS Priority Mail Medium
Flat Rate Box.

Robert Menes
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
eBay: lambdacalculus379

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