couple of things to sell..sorry for the long post.. newbie at selling
so here goes

shipping from:Steve Luby
                        Weston,WV 26452 USA
                        can also be reached at

to start off with is a powerbook 1400cs/133.... was being  used almost
daily for writing stuff..(girls journal) till one day poof. just died.
no power light when plugged  best i can figure is the m/b died
but should be usable for has:
  1.3 gig hd (no guarantee on it though because it worked but was
rather noisy before), floppy drive,display has no scratches, unknown
amount of memory (has DAPC5RB16C4 Rev.B on the installed memory board)
.Case is in good shape with only a few light scratches/scuffs on the
clear outer case.Keyboard has all keys.And has all screws except 2
small screws on the heat shield.Includes a battery (did hold a charge
(think half hour or so) but no way to check now so...Do have a power
supply that works with this laptop but it is shared with 2 wallstreet
powerbooks i have so I'd rather not sell the power supply unless
someone is also interested in them too.have to put an asking price so
how's $5 bucks and shipping?

Next is a powerbook 5300cs.This one was used when the above died for
writing etc..  It still works but the power jack is working loose but
other then that i works.It has a power-PC603e processor , 26 mb of
ram, 512 meg hard drive with OS 7.6 installed.(also have disks which
will be listed below if you would be interested) , has floppy drive
installed which was used to install the OS (which was a pain to find
also.. lol ) and to transfer files back and forth. Case is in pretty
good shape for a computer of this  age keyboard has all keys with not
much wear on it or the track-pad.also included is the power
nice to get $20 obo and shipping.

Have a boxed set (excluding the box ) which contains Floppies for OS
7.6 and accompanying software.They were used to install software on
the 5300 a while back but they should still be good.includes
manual.$10 obo

Software set OS 8.1 (orange package) for Powerbook G3 series.includes
disks for Faxstf 5.0, Qualcomm Now Up-To-Date & Contact ver. 3.6.5 ,
and an emergency manual for the OS.$5 obo

Software set  for i believe it's OS 8.6 (green package) software for
iMac (but was also used to upgrade a powerbook wallstreet with the
above installed) contains disks iMac software install disk SSW8.6
(also has numbers 691-2376-A ),  iMac Software Restore SSW 8.6
(691-2375-A) , Adobe Page Mill ver. 3.0 , Williams - Sonoma Good
Cooking for windows 95 and Power Mac.$5 obo

As far as price is concerned I honestly don't know how much of any of
this is worth so if it's too much feel free to make me an offer. Would
also consider trades.Wold let any or all of the above go if someone
would trade for an AC/sound board for a wallstreet.Or if interested
I'd throw in the 2 wallstreets (one working with loose a/c jack and
one for parts) which would include a working p/s for the 1400 for
something working.. I will entertain pretty much any offer as i need
to make space.

And as far as shipping let me know what you would be interested in and
we'll go from there. There isn't a fed ex place or ups around so
shipping will probably have to be through USPS unless something else
can be arranged.

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