I have a very nice Powerbook 1400CS/166 with a Newer Tech 250MHz 1MB L2
cache G3 upgrade installed. We used it to play iTunes music through the
living room stereo and for occasional trips for email and internet. It has
the following:

9.3GB internal HD (nice and quiet)
Maxed-out RAM (64MB)
Battery with ~ 15 minutes run time after full charge
Apple AC adapter with splice in low voltage cable, works perfectly
Global Village Platinum Pro modem/ethernet card for PCMCIA slot with dongle
External Monitor adapter cable with Mac to SVGA adapter
Mini-SCSI to full size 50 pin SCSI adapter
Apple 6X CD-ROM drive for expansion bay
Apple floppy disk drive for expansion bay
VST ZIP 100 drive for expansion bay.
It will have Mac OS 8.6 installed along with the Newer Tech G3 driver

I want $75.00 shipped via US Post Office to a US address. PayPal preferred.

Daniel Sczygelski
Wausau, WI 54401

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