Here I have an empty case of a Power Mac G4 Quicksilver, which used to house
a dual 1.0Ghz system until the power supply blew up. Selling it to those of
you who want to start a project, build another quicksilver, or who just want
to stuff a pillow case over it and use it as a Apple pillow. I have tried
putting a G3 gossamer into this system a second time, and no luck. This case
is on okay condition, and doesn't have it's original handles (they are from
a sawtooth machine). Other than that, it has giant eyes looking at somebody
for a new home. It currently resides in my basement, and has it's bags and
briefcase all packed up. They grow up so fast.... =p

I'll take $40 shipped or a working G3 iBook clamshell.

Mark Sokolovsky
120 Princeton RD
Clementon, NJ 08021
United States

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