Hello swappers, as crazy as this may sound, yes I am looking for a Twentieth
Anniversary Macintosh, and I want to trade my Rev A iMac G4 for it. I need
to make sure the TAM is in good condition, that it works, and if it has no
OS, that I can somehow load one up on it and possibly upgrade the HDD.

System specs:

PowerPC G4 800Mhz
15" Screen
Mac OS X 10.5.8
80GB SATA 3.5" Samsung HDD
iWork '09
iLife '09
Adobe Photoshop CS3
WavePad audio edition program
DVD Superdrive

The TAM must be in good conditions, and I donot accept acceptions. I only
want a good working TAM to use as an OS 9 system and possibly as a OS X
Tiger system or a leo system with a sonnet upgrade. But most of all, it's a
collector's item, and no one can resist the power of a G4 and the looks of a
sleek G4 iMac!

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